We Understand Your Frustration…
We Give You the Game Plan to Stay in the Game

Brian Roberts, your Central Mass Fat Loss Coach here…
You’ve been true to a weight loss diet or program and maybe exercise regime. You’ve may have worked off some of the holiday pounds; your clothes fit a little looser, and healthy eating has become a little easier but you still have uncomfortable moments.
The first big party event of the year threatens to undo all your good work and hard efforts — the get together with friends and family watching the New England Patriots in the Super Bowl!
Don’t worry. You can enjoy a Super Bowl party without risking too much of your waistline with a few timely tips. For starters, don’t starve yourself the day of the party — you’ll probably just make up for it by overeating later on at the gathering. Instead, follow my suggestions below both BEFORE you head out the door, and DURING your get together.
The odds of eating healthy will be in your favor if you follow my tips. (Odds, get it?)
The Day of the Big Game, eat as if it was a normal day, Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner…The food at the Big Game Party is still going to be there..
Our first recommendation is to super hydrate. Yes, drink water.. lots of it, as long as you not allergic or have a medical condition prescribing not to drink water… We recommend half your weight in water ounces throughout the day. Try getting half of that in before noonish or 1Pm…
Ex: 200lbs/2 = 100oz try getting about 50 ounces in before noon time..
Water will help to increase your metabolism, help to detoxify your body, help your digestive system dissolve all those heavier foods possibly ingested later in the day.
Our second recommendation: add some healthy veggies to normal eating meals during the day: broccoli, asparagus, cauliflowers, green beans, brussel sprouts…This will give your body the appropriate minerals and nutrients it will need and fill your belly up…let’s not be starved when we get to the festivities.
Our third recommendation is to have a fruit with each normal meal of the day: a cup of pineapple, melon apple or an orange. These will help to decrease urgings for that extra piece of 7 layer chocolate cake or grabbing one too many cannoli’s or cheesecake.
Our fourth recommendation: Get a vigorous walk in… or even better a good workout, if you’re physically able. This will get the blood flowing, oxygen into your system and a little time to ourselves before we take on a social engagement. It’s a social engagement, not a bad food eating contest…lol
So, with that being said… I’ll end this with one very LAST idea:
One of the nice things you can do for others and yourself is to offer to be the “RUNNING BACK” of your gathering… By this I mean that you’ll have better control over portion sizes and food selections if you serve yourself … and also offer to be the occasional food runner and bring back food for others (maybe even healthier choices for them too!). And in doing so, you get your body in motion to work off some of that food.
So there ya go… Now you’ve got your Game Plan .. so go have fun and GO PATS!
Brian Roberts – Director
Central Mass Fat Loss
340 Main St Suite 855
Worcester, Ma 01608
(508)733-1410 Office
(508)733-1410 Cell or Text
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